Brief Bio
I am a computational neuroscientist from Chile living in the UK. My detailed timeline is:
Research Positions and Education
- 2020-present: Postdoctoral researcher at The Humpries Lab, University of Nottingham (UK).
Advisor: Prof. Mark Humpries.
Topic: Uncovering the neural basis of movement transitions - 2016-2020: PhD student at Petersen Group, University of Manchester (UK).
Supervisor: Prof. Rasmus Petersen.
Thesis: Quantifying whisking behaviour and its neural encoding during active somatosensation
Funded by Beca Chile Doctorado en el Extranjero (CONICYT). -
2013-2015: MSc student at Departamento de Ingeniería Química, Biotecnología y Materiales, FCFM, Universidad de Chile (Chile).
Supervisor: Prof. Cristian Salgado.
Thesis: Mathematical modeling of intestinal iron absorption using genetic programming. - 2008-2015: Engineering in Biotechnology at FCFM, Universidad de Chile.